case study

Establishing a new brand for a new program

Empowering an Educational Movement

Empowering an Educational Movement


5th Year by Junior Achievement

5th Year is a program of Junior Achievement, a national organization that focuses on youth work readiness and entrepreneurship. The program was created in 2023 to address the workforce and skills gap in Northwest Ohio. 5th Year is intended for recent high school graduates and provides career exploration, internships, job shadowing and practical skills training. It’s centered around promoting independence and equipping young adults with resources and connections to make informed decisions about their future. design2influence started working with 5th Year in 2023.


  • logo development
  • brand identity
  • strategy
  • public relations
  • collateral
  • welcome kit
  • website
  • social media templates
  • photography
  • videography

what is a trailblazer?

Our team suggested using “trailblazer” as the term to describe the young adults who joined 5th Year. We needed to identify a word to define those individuals without grouping them with “students.” A trailblazer is an individual who forges their own way and defines their path to success, which is unique to each person.

brand strategy

To ensure that 5th Year wasn’t mistaken for a “gap year” or a college readiness course, we knew it was crucial to create a distinct identity that set it apart from other post-secondary options like college and work programs.

Our team at design2influence took a proactive approach by establishing the name “5th Year,” deliberately positioning it as an essential extension to the post-high school journey. The name itself reflects the program’s focus on helping individuals identify and pursue their unique professional goals through a combination of education, internships and life skills.

Beyond just naming the program, we carefully crafted the brand strategy to bring 5th Year to life. This involved identifying the necessary work to differentiate the program and make it resonate with its target audience. The iconography was designed to incorporate elements from Junior Achievement’s brand, emphasizing the strong connection and partnership between the two entities, while also giving 5th Year its own distinct and recognizable identity.

printing / collateral

Our team created a portfolio to provide potential donors and sponsors with details about 5th Year and the importance of supporting the program. The case for support included branded inserts with background information and investment opportunities. We also designed custom letterhead and business cards to equip the 5th Year staff with branded collateral for internal and external communication.

welcome kit

Each trailblazer received a branded welcome kit. Our team designed the boxes and all included materials according to 5th Year’s colors, iconography and brand guidelines. Each welcome kit contained branded items, including a mug, notebook, yard sign, pen, stickers and a certificate of acceptance. 


As the inaugural semester approached, the client needed a hub of information where participants, parents and business partners could learn about 5th Year. We designed their website, created social media templates and developed videos to tell a story about the program so the client could share a cohesive, branded message.

public relations

We worked with the client to set up a press conference in January 2024 with local media entities to introduce the program to regional school districts. The event served as an opportunity to increase brand awareness and spread the word about what 5th Year had to offer. We also organized interviews for TV and print news publications to increase awareness and spread the word about 5th Year in the community.


5th Year was an unknown organization, so we used video and photography to tell the program’s story. Testimonials from parents and educators provided powerful emotional connections. Those first-hand accounts allowed us to supply brevity and perspective to online visitors who were curious about the program. Our team developed videos to engage potential participants by showcasing student emotions and how they felt about becoming a trailblazer.

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